Big Brother

127 days ago

Apparently I am guilty of treason for telling the truth, citing facts, on Ukraine

My “crime” for which I should, presumably, be locked in the Tower is to have suggested in THIS ARTICLE that not only was Ukraine losing the war but that it had been losing since last summer and that thed political and media GroupThink had lied about numerous aspects of and events in this war. I cited specific examples of those lies.


657 days ago

Versarien pre bailout placing ramp part 1 – loveable scouse oaf Craig Phillips from BB 2001 and the video

There has been a concerted attempt by Versarien (VRS) to ramp its shares in recent weeks. The reason, though it has yet to ‘fess to it is that it will be out of cash, burning cash and having stiff debts to support by Christmas. It clearly needs to do an emergency placing fast, hence the ramping.  Let’s start with the just released video below starring lovable scouse oaf Craig Phillips, the winner of Big Brother 2001.


992 days ago

The Swedish excess death data that shows why Chris Whitty et al should not be knighted but should be on trial for murder

As we enter 2022, here in Airstrip One, The Ministry of Truth and its big corporate media allies such as LinkedIn will not, as I discovered to my cost the other day, allow anyone to challenge the GroupThink narrative on the scamdemic. And thus we must all don our face masks and bang our pans to celebrate the Knighthoods for Chris Whitty, Jonathan Van Tam, Jenny Harries et al.  Do not, whatever you do, mention the S word: Sweden.


996 days ago

How Linkedin censors those who disagree with the media and political class covid GroupThink

It seems that Chris Whitty, the man who ensured hundreds of folks with covid were put into old folks homes to act as superspreaders among the most vulnerable, who has served up bogus forecast after bogus forecast as gospel to justify lockdown measures that have been proven not to work is to get a Knighthood. A poster on LinkedIn greets this with a post featuring a picture of the chief doom-monger and says “A true legend and absolute gentleman. He deserves this! Congratulations Sir.” I replied:


1137 days ago

As Record A level Grades are announced in Airstrip One the Ministry of Truth reminds us that there is no grade inflation

The chart below is, the Ministry of Truth reminds us, testimony to the hard work of teachers and students alike. Suggestions that we have seen massive grade inflation since results were driven not by kids actually sitting exams but by teacher assessment are vicious lies spread by Emmanuel Goldstein. Thanks to Big Brother more and more of our young people will win more and more prizes for educational excellence.


1155 days ago

A Modest Proposal for the Orwellian mask jihadists of Holt

Provoked by the sheer silliness of some of my neighbours back in the last village in Wales, I signalled my opposition to mask wearing on the village Facebook site last night. The response, as you’d imagine, has been Orwellian. And as such, I have a modest proposal for the face nappy jihadists…


1337 days ago

Today's idiot Tory Minister is the vaccines czar Nadhim Zahawi

He’s the one who, though a multi-millionaire, stiffed the taxpayer with a bill for mucking out his stables. Yes, the MP for Stratford upon Avon really is a self-entitled smug bastard. He is also thick. There is a limit to how quickly we can vaccinate folks so why waste resources for that is exactly what Nadhim proposes as you can see below. A 96-year-old who had survived both Auschwitz and Covid will already have antibodies (from the latter not the former).


1351 days ago

Photo Article: the criminal babes in the wood meet the Orwellian Derbyshire Police

The two charming young ladies committed two heinous crimes yesterday and the Derbyshire Police reacted as you would expect from an organisation drunk on the new powers it has been given by Priti Patel to stop a plague where survival rates in the under 70s are 99.95%. No, the young ladies were not sledging.  No, they were not going for a Big Mac.  Their vile and evil crime was walking in the open air in a socially-distanced manner while holding a cup of coffee. What selfish bitches. Go on Priti, lock ‘em up for good and throw away the keys, you know that you want to.


1382 days ago

As one sinner, James O’Brien, repenteth the case for not taking the Covid vaccine grows

The pompous, virtue signalling, radio presenter James O’Brien this morning apologised to his listeners on LBC for suggesting that all those questioning the Covid vaccine were swivelled eyed lunatics pushing alt-right crackpot conspiracy theories. Well thank you James, now how about an apology to those of us voting for Brexit? How about you admit we were not all alt-right freaks?  Okay back to Covid.


1387 days ago

Anti-vaxxer takes over from alt right as the lazy smear of choice used to shut down debate and censure in Airstrip One

“So you are an anti-vaxxer” she said to me as I dared to offer a modest dissent from the party line.  The Ministry of Truth, aka The BBC and the social media companies, are leading the charge to eradicate social media posts by wicked anti-vaxxers lest they confuse the plebs. There is even talk of specialist army units being brought in to fight this menace. In the way that, this summer, anyone who did not apologise for historic slave activities by taking a knee was deemed to be alt-right extremist who needed re-education, anti vaxxers must now be insulted and, once suitably demonised in the eyes of the population, purged.


1390 days ago

A final last redoubt of the discredited Black Lives Matter Movement - the BBC

Of course Black Lives Matter. This is a mixed raced household so why would we think anything else? However, as I noted at the weekend, the Black Lives Matter movement has fallen from popular grace and is now overwhelmingly seen as increasing racial division by both white and BAME folks.  As I noted then, there are those last redoubts who seek to hide inconvenient truths. The teaching unions and the school system is one redoubt. So too are the Marxist Madrassas, such as Manchester University. Also doing its bit is the National Trust. But the strongest supporter is, of course, the BBC.


1401 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Big Brother is watching as Miss Winnifrith is named

As Miss Winnifrith returned home yesterday, her elder brother Joshua displayed a mixture of pride and alarm that he may be overlooked. He certainly likes the T-shirt received from his godmother and Aunt F as you can see below. Miss Winnifrith now has two three Christian names selected.



1430 days ago

Leicestershire Police fight the woke revolution for men going through the Menopause

Do you remember the bad old days when the Police were there to catch criminals and stop crime? It seems a lifetime ago. Today, let’s go to Leicestershire where the Police Force has taken time out from investigating someone who tweeted sceptical thoughts on the efficacy of lockdown to celebrate #WorldMenopauseDay.  It is not that this is not something we should not care about but haven’t the Old Bill got anything better to do, like breaking up a 3 year old’s Birthday party as there were more than six adults present? But it gets worse.


1513 days ago

That Oxford Nightmare revisited – Layla Moran in Room 101 edition

Long time readers will know that my displacement nightmare activity involves my return to Oxford University. For reasons that are always slightly different, the story starts with me, rather foolishly, deciding that my 2:2 was not a true reflection of my academic genius and somehow I manage to persuade my old college to take me back for another stab at it. Somehow, I then contrive to screw it all up again and suddenly I am sitting in Schools, staring at an exam paper realising that this time around, notwithstanding widespread grade inflation, I’d be lucky to get even a Desmond.


2594 days ago

Its that time of the year again - don't bash hard working students and teachers say left wing women who look like hippos

There is a change to the annual ritual. For about thirty years A level grades got steadily higher. Those of us who had to interview those with A*s at History who thought that Waterloo was a train station named after an Abba song knew that was because they were getting easier but when pointing this out were ritually abused as insulting hard working students and teachers who were so stressed out that they need 15 weeks holiday a year. This year the ritual is being tweaked.


2665 days ago

The BBC Montage of reaction to London Bridge - how utterly pathetic & Orwellian

Wall to wall coverage of the London Bridge attacks continues on BBC World News. the only interruptions are the adverts which are largely for BBC news itself. How much do they cost and what exactly is their purpose? But in between the adverts and the latest recycling of old footage the BBC served up a montage of how London and the World reacted. It was so utterly dismal and predictable.


3234 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 13 November: David Lenigas jokes, DCD IS a joke and other dross

A few folks seem to take exception to my exception to state sponsored extra judicial execution. Big Big brother really loves folks like flip flop Turney. Away from that I discuss the pros and cons of death spirals ( a reader request) and there are a few jokes at the expense of fat Aussie share ramper David Lenigas. I look at DCD Media (DCD), Caza Oil & Gas (TOAST), Nu-Oil & Gas (NUOG), Stanley Gibbons (SGI), Rurelec (RUR) and Oilex (OEX) and a few other bits and bobs


4196 days ago

Serious question: When did global warming become climate change?

I often feel like I am in 1984. “We are at war with Eastasia. We've always been at war with Eastasia.” And so I am asked to believe that the loons have always told us that man-made emissions cause climate change. They have always said that they caused climate change.

I do not recollect it being that way. I am sure that in the early years of this scare we were told that man-made carbon emissions caused global warming.  And that there was a proven link and Big Brother reminded us that 99% of scientists told us that the world was going to get much warmer unless we changed our ways, handing over more of our money and liberties to the State.

But the world has, as we know, not got warmer since 1997. In fact it appears to be a tad cooler. Certainly it is frigging cold where I am here in Airstrip One.  And so this, we are now told, is clear evidence of climate change. 

Except that, again in my dim and distant memory, I remember it snowing in March and indeed on my sister’s birthday in April back in the era before Big Brother told us all that we were suffering from global warming. Ooops. “We are suffering from climate change, we have always been suffering from climate change, we were never suffering global warming.” Silly me. Off to room 101 for TW.

So a serious question from me, answers in the comments section below: “When did the loons stop officially referring to global warming and start referring to climate change?”


4247 days ago

EU to blow £2million monitoring people like me

The EU has announced that it is to spend £2 million “monitoring” twitter and other new media outlets in the run up to the 2014 European elections. Of this around 40% will not come from existing budgets in the Evil Empire’s Ministry of Truth but is new cash, part of the EU budget increase. The aim of this is explicitly to counteract Euroscepticism. In other words the EU is pissing away your cash to monitor folks like me who write and tweet stuff pointing out what an inefficient, misguided crook factory this edifice is. The stated aim is in persuading voters not to listen (and I presume vote UKIP or for other sceptical parties in Europe) but to “see the light” and vote for Eurofanatics (i.e. Labour, Lib Dems or Call Me Dave’s Tory party).

I quote from a document produced by the Evil Empire:

Particular attention needs to be paid to the countries that have experienced a surge in Euroscepticism…Parliament’s institutional communicators must have the ability to monitor public conversation and sentiment on the ground and in real time, to understand ‘trending topics’ and have the capacity to react quickly, in a targeted and relevant manner, to join in and influence the conversation, for example, by providing facts and figures to deconstructing myths.

But what is a myth? The EU tried to tell us that the bent banana directive was a myth until it was shown to be true. Would it say that my statement “The EU is the world’s largest donor of foreign aid and much of this cash is wasted or stolen” is a myth?


4407 days ago

Back in Airstrip One – Big Brother Still Here

And so I am back in Airstrip One. After eight weeks without wearing a seat belt, smoking where I wanted and not being photographed by a camera everywhere I went, Big Brother was on the case pretty quickly. As I wandered onto the station I prepared to climb stairs to the platform. Blue arrows marked the side to go up, red circles marked the other channel. Is there a bye-law on this? What happens if I dashed up the red button side? Was there a man at the top preparing to send me down again? How did we cope before we were told which side of the banister we had to walk?

There was a sign telling me to hold the banister as I climbed the stairs. Another sign telling me not to use my mobile (not that I have one) as I ascended or descended. And a third sign warning me that the stairs might be slippery if it is raining. No shit. Give Network Rail a Nobel Prize for Physics for working that one out. What is the penalty for walking up the wrong side holding a mobile and not the banister?
